May 11, 2007
Classes at Parsons come to an end. Will be graduating on the 17th. Will try to make some revisions/ enhancements to thesis prototype before annual MFA Thesis Show on May 31 at the Chelsea Art Museum.

March 17, 2007
Through an investigation into psycholinguistic data sources, the thesis project has evolved into an interactive widget that uses text analysis in combination with special video techniques to channel the emotional content of web pages and user-entered text into a human face.

December 23, 2006
Fall semester classes end.

December 19, 2006
Completed first colorized graphical application coded entirely in C++.

November 23, 2006
Developing a database for my project in Microsoft Access. Using Coldfusion to bring the data into Flash.

November 2, 2006
Began prototyping thesis project in Flash.

October 21, 2006
Concept for thesis project has been finalized. It evolved from an interest in the physical representation of a human avatar in an online virtual experience to an interest in the pyschological and metaphysical possibilities that may arise within a new kind of user-avatar relationship.

September 9, 2006
Fall semester of second year at Parsons begins.

June 17, 2006
Researching and running preliminary tests for year-long thesis project. Working on the idea of a multi-player online game utilizing interactive video technology.

June 1, 2006
Began summer job working as a web designer for Sanborn Media Factory, a company specializing in online marketing solutions for magazines.

May 15, 2006
Final projects and classes end; first year at Parsons complete.

February 22, 2006
Presently engaged in a series of web-based "interactive video" experiments, which may form the cornerstone of my work at Parsons.

January 25, 2006
Dropped Motion Studio Collab; added MTVN Comedy Central Mobile Gaming Collab Studio.

January 23, 2006
Started Spring semester classes.

January 14, 2006
Launched redesign of my web site, but it is still evolving.

January 4, 2006
Courses set for next semester: Major Studio: Interactivity, Advanced Flash: Actionscripting, Motion Studio, Interactive Design for Museums, Casual Games: Concept to Launch (tentative)

December 21, 2005
Final presentation of Major Studio "Networks" project, for which I developed a prototype for a computer help matching system that pairs a web site, with an automated phone system. I taught myself VoiceXML and set up a testing number through VOXPilot in order to implement a high fidelity voice-activated phone application.

December 14, 2005
Finished programming an accordian-style Solitaire game in pure C. It uses ASCII text and is designed to run in a Terminal environment.

September 6, 2005
Started Fall semester courses, consisting of a Major Studio in Interface Design, a Creativity & Computation Lecture & Lab, and electives in Visual Communication (Graphic Design) and C/C++ Programming.

August 19, 2005
Successfully completed Parsons Digital Bootcamp, a very intense and rigorous 4-week program in design and web production.